Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ralph's Pumpkin Pie Italian Ice

Okay, so I walked into Ralph's Italian Ice.  Growing up, I was in LOVE with Chocolate ice and Lemon ice... but then when I found out about what they call "creme ices"... I was so taken back by all the "health-ier flavors than ice cream", I went absolutely insane trying all different flavors. 

Typically when you walk into a Ralph's, there are some homemade or written in signs of new flavors that they are currently offering.  I wasn't prepared for what I found-- For a limited time, ralph's is carrying a Pumpkin Pie Flavored Italian Creme Ice.  Not only is it like sucking on a piece of frozen pumpkin pie, but there are pieces of pie crust in the actual ice.  While we were there, a friend requested a Pumpkin pie milkshake, which they topped with graham crackers.  I'll be honest, I had a sip, and it was absolutely INCREDIBLE.  The people at the Ralph's in Lanoka Harbor, NJ are awesome, and I seriously will be going back to try a little bit more of the pumpkin pie italian ice, before the season is over. 

It appears that Rita's also had pumpkin pie flavored italian ice.  That is definitely worth a taste.  I'm not sure how good or "bad" that it is for you, I'm pretty sure it can't be healthy, but it's "gotta" be better for you than ice cream, right? Everything's good for you in moderation, that's the key anyway.  I'd like to try Rita's and compare it.  I wonder if anyone out there has tried some and can compare them for me? In the future,

I will attempt to make my own healthy version of Pumpkin Ice cream, and I will let you all know how that goes. I will also attempt to make one pumpkin flavored item per week until december.  We can also talk about the benefits of using canned pumpkin vs canned pumpkin pie mix.  This is so exciting!  Hope you are all enjoying so far. Can't wait to hear stories, and see different pumpkin items that you have tried! 

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